(ISTFD 2024)

27-29 July 2024, Xi'an, China


Prof. Dr. Lin CHEN

Director of Heat and Mass Transfer Research Center

Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


Tel.: +86-10-82545735/18610509260


Dr. Lin Chen is now a full Professor and Director of Heat and Mass Transfer Research Center in the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and jointly at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. He is currently one Board member of Experts Commission of China Energy Society. He obtained his B.E and PhD from Peking University. He was previously an Assistant Professor in Tohoku University, Japan. His current research topics include new energy and power engineering, CCUS (geological flow), energy resources (gas hydrate, hydrogen), supercritical fluids, etc. Currently, he is leading a multi-disciplinary team that focusing on CO2 based energy-power system. He has authored over 300 journal papers and/or conference presentations, 20 patents, 4 professional books including the most famous one on energy conversion (Handbook of Research on Advancements in Supercritical Fluids Applications for Sustainable Energy Systems, IGI Global, 2021, 821 pages). He served 10 times as Chair/major organizer and 40 times as plenary/invited speaker in international conferences/symposiums. He was the winner of Young Scholar Award of the Asian Union of Thermal Science and Engineering in 2018, and Research Paper Award of the Visualization Society of Japan in 2022, and ranked within the World TOP 2% scientist 2023 (Elsevier) due to his outstanding research in supercritical fluid engineering. He is also the winner of Elsevier Journal TOP5 most-cited award and Springer Thesis Award, etc. and an Associate Editor of J. NERS (ASME) and Board member of the J. Supercritical Fluids (Elsevier). 


Opening the Door: complex supercritical phase regions


Complex supercritical phase process and dynamic heat transfer flow with overall/local sources have been found in a wide series of applications such as aerospace engineering, power conversion, high speed flow, and many high-pressure combustion devices, etc. However, the “door” of the complex supercritical phase regions is not yet open. Quantitative measurement of the supercritical state phase behaviours is challenging because of the sensitivity and “delicate” nature of supercritical state. In this talk, theoretical development with “wave” nature explanations of supercritical regions will be introduced and an improved system with high temporal and spatial resolution has been realized by pixelated-array masked method to investigate characteristics in trans/supercritical processes. Key hints from the transient field and boundary structure of phase-transition interface and new information obtained from the “critical boundary” for complex transport parameters from “liquid-like” and/or “gas-like” phases will be discussed.