(ISTFD 2024)

27-29 July 2024, Xi'an, China


Prof. Yansong Shen

School of Chemical Engineering University of New South Wales, Australia



Professor Yansong Shen is currently an Australian Research Council Future Fellow and a full Professor in School of Chemical Engineering at University of New South Wales (Tenured). He obtained his BEng and MEng degrees in Northeastern University (China) and PhD degree in UNSW. He initiated and is leading a vibrant research lab - Process Modelling and Optimization of Reacting Flows "ProMO Lab" ( He published over 200 peer-reviewed papers in top-tier multidisciplinary journals with h-index 47 as of 2024, secures 14 ARC and >15 highly competitive research grants, in total over AUD 46M, established industry engagements in Australia and overseas, and won several honours and highly-competitive national fellowships e.g. ARC APDI Fellowship (2012) and ARC Future Fellowship (2019). His group designed and scaled-up several new technologies of iron ore and coal/biomass utilization and reactor design which have been implemented and practiced with measurable benefits. He is selected as president of Australian Particle Technology Society, Chartered member IChemE, TMS, AIST, and invited/plenary speakers in several international conferences.  Email:


Modelling of reacting flows and industry applications: Hydrogen generation, storage and utilization in ironmaking decarbonation.


Process design and control plays a significant role in modern industries. Most processes and reactors are very complex, as they usually involve not only multiphase flows but also heat and mass transfers related to chemical reactions and their interactions – the so-called reacting flow. The operation must be optimized in order to be competitive and sustainable, particularly under the more and more demanding economic and environmental conditions.  This will need continuous innovative research and development. Computer simulation and modelling, supported by online data and experiments, has emerged as an indispensable adjunct to the traditional modes of investigation for design, control and optimization of processes, reactors, and devices.  In this presentation, Prof. Shen will report his core research on process modelling of reacting flows and the applications to a range of complex processes and reactors in conventional and emerging industries. Several examples of industry applications of hydrogen storage and utilization in ironmaking decarbonisation will be used for demonstration. The modelling works are indeed helpful to understand fundamentals and optimize & develop new, cleaner and more efficient technologies with measurable industrial outcomes.